Problems with cavities can significantly affect the health of your teeth. Having them treated with dental fillings and dental crowns can prove inconvenient and costly. Strong tooth enamel helps to resist bacterial tooth decay while also reducing your chances of suffering tooth sensitivity problems.
If you have problems with maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine, or you drink acidic beverages on a regular basis, it can weaken the mineral density of your teeth. Fortunately, you can counter this effect, known as demineralization, by exposing your teeth to a low dose fluoride.
If our dentists notice signs of compromised tooth enamel, during your dental exam at their Moncks Corner, South Carolina clinic, they might recommend a simple fluoride treatment. This can be administered at the end of your appointment.
Dr. Gloria Pipkin and Dr. Brian Jaques will do this by pouring a small amount of concentrated fluoride gel into trays. They will need to be held in your mouth, along with a suction wand, for a few minutes. It’s best to avoid eating or drinking for up to an hour afterward. This will allow the fluoride to fully saturate your tooth enamel.
Afterward, you might want to consider making some minor lifestyle changes to maintain strong tooth enamel. This might involve limiting your consumption of acidic beverages and brushing your teeth with a brand of toothpaste with added fluoride.
If you live in the Moncks Corner, South Carolina, area and you’re concerned about preserving the strength of your tooth enamel, please call 843-899-5911 to schedule a dental checkup with a fluoride treatment at Carolina Avenue Dental Care. Dr. Gloria Pipkin and Dr. Brian Jaques look forward to treating your smile with the care it deserves!